All posts by Ashley Jones
Mistakes to Avoid in Your Military Transition
It’s important to start planning for your entry into the civilian workforce before your military exit arrives. Take control of your career strategy now by researching, preparing your marketing materials, and networking to ease the road to transition ahead. 1. Writing a … more
What You Need to Know About Summer Job Search
When summer rolls around each year we typically caution job seekers to resist sending their job search on vacation. Who doesn’t want to jet set to a relaxing destination and sip refreshing drinks by the pool? Sounds pretty nice right about now, but with holiday weekend tra… more
Three Recruitment Technologies to Adopt in a Virtual Environment
We’ve nearly made it halfway through 2020, where the overall theme has largely been about change and how we adapt to it. In the midst of crises and social distancing, we’ve endured sweeping changes to both personal and professional practices. But for many recruiters, the… more
How to Look Your Professional Best in a Video Interview
The past few months have brought sweeping changes to our daily routines in both our personal and professional lives. As employers and job seekers adapt to the new norm, video interviewing is becoming a standard step that can be expected in the recruitment process. With haird… more
Engage Candidates and Increase Response Rates
Strategic communication is critical when reaching out to candidates you’ve sourced. We know this to be true because we’ve all sent messages to cold candidates at some point in time and failed to hear back from them. They’re the perfect fit for the position, but they ju… more