The 10 Most Read Articles of 2020

Posted by Ashley Jones

Many of us are eager to say farewell to 2020, but before we do let’s take a moment to reflect and reminisce on your most read articles from the year. If you missed them the first time around, now is your chance to get up to speed and fine-tune your cleared job search for the New Year.

10. How to Keep Your Cleared Job Search on the Down Low

If you want to keep your job search quiet, consider these steps to ensure your boss and colleagues aren’t aware you’re looking for greener pastures. From blocking your current employer on ClearedJobs.Net to avoiding using your work phone or computer for job search activities, we have a number of tips to help you keep your search on the down low.

9. Make Sure Your Resume Is Not a Bore

No one thinks their resume is boring, but the truth is that many are. In this article, Patra Frame shares advice to help ensure your resume makes the case for why you should be considered. Take yours out and check it against this list to stand out to recruiters.

8. 3 Reasons I Chose SAIC When I Transitioned out of the Military

There are many potential paths to travel when exiting the military. Hear from an Intel Analyst at SAIC and find out why they chose to work there, along with their tips for successful military transitions and career decisions.

7. Hiring and Cleared Job Search During A Health Crisis

In the midst of the pandemic earlier this year, we asked recruiters how their hiring processes were impacted. Read what personnel from Calibre, DarkStar Intelligence, Kingfisher Systems, MJLM Federal Services, NetImpact Strategies, PAE, Perspecta, and ServiceSource had to say about the state of their hiring efforts at the time.

6. How to Succeed in a Video Interview

Many employers are opting for video interviews to keep the hiring process on track, in response to the new norm of 2020. Whether you’ve interviewed on a video platform before or you’re new to the virtual party, read these tips to ensure your next video interview goes off without a glitch.

5. Leveraging Your Clearance to Become Your Own Boss

If you’re interested in learning how to become a 1099 government sub-contractor, Dale Davidson, Principal Data Analyst at Custom Analysis LLC, has advice to help you make the change. His insights will guide you through increasing both your income and autonomy.

4. Mistakes to Avoid in Your Military Transition

It’s important to start planning for your entry into the civilian workforce before your military exit arrives. Use these tips to take control of your career strategy by researching, preparing your marketing materials, and networking to ease the road to transition ahead.

3. Interview with a Recruiter, Amy Devers, Hexagon US Federal

Take a peek behind the curtain and learn about Hexagon US Federal’s hiring process and the best thing you can do as a candidate when applying for a role. In this interview, Amy Devers shares insights from her experience as a recruiter to help you cross the finish line.

2. Are You at Risk of Falling for Employment Scams

People are genuinely recruited everyday, so how can you recognize and protect yourself from illegitimate communications? Consider these tips to help you identify red flags to defend your assets, personal information, and classified knowledge.

1. Cleared Employers Do Not Want to See This on Your Resume

Your resume often serves as your first impression to recruiters and hiring managers. Check your cleared resume to make sure it’s as effective as it should be, and that you’re not communicating any of these errors.

If you have subjects you would like us to cover in 2021, please email me at [email protected].


  • Ashley Jones

    Ashley Jones is ClearedJobs.Net's blog Editor and a cleared job search expert, dedicated to helping security-cleared job seekers and employers navigate job search and recruitment challenges. With in-depth experience assisting cleared job seekers and transitioning military personnel at in-person and virtual Cleared Job Fairs and military base hiring events, Ashley has a deep understanding of the unique needs of the cleared community. She is also the Editor of ClearedJobs.Net's job search podcast, Security Cleared Jobs: Who's Hiring & How.

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This entry was posted on Monday, December 21, 2020 1:58 pm

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