All posts by Bob Wheeler

  • 4 Tips for More Effective Job Search on ClearedJobs.Net

    As much as job seekers get frustrated about the lack of time a recruiter spends looking at each resume (six seconds is the most quoted stat), it turns out that job seekers aren’t doing much to hold up their end of the bargain either. In fact, a Wall Street Journal article repo… more

  • 4 Keys to an Effective Job Board Resume

    It’s the job seeker's golden rule: If you want to be found, think like a recruiter. Nowhere is this more true than with job boards such as ClearedJobs.Net. Unfortunately many candidates don’t understand how job boards work, or how recruiters use them. This leads to many a q… more

  • Tapping the Veteran IT Talent Pool

    The hiring process can be painful for both organizations seeking talent and individual job seekers. Gaps in common skills and language are typically cited as reasons for veteran hiring initiatives. It’s also agreed by most experts that of the military skill set, Information Tec… more

  • How Military Transition is Like Cooking

    What’s the very best meal you could make right now using nothing but the items currently found in your kitchen? Could you pull off a four course meal? Whip up a deep dish lasagna? Soup and sandwich? OK, maybe just soup? [caption id="attachment_10894" align="alignright" width… more

  • Focus Your Military Transition for a Successful Job Search

    We’ve done so much, with so little, for so long, that we can do anything, with nothing, forever. This phrase highlights the strength of the current military member, and at the same time, the weakness of the veteran job seeker. One of the biggest issues transitioning veterans … more