All posts by Dawn Boyer

  • You’ve Lost Your Job, What’s Next

    Nothing is scarier than walking out the door of the company that just laid you off – or terminated you for cause – and not knowing what your next step is going to be or how to tell the family. Only fools never plan for contingencies, but even a wise person may not know how or… more

  • Before You Lose Your Job: Tactics to Review

    Hearing whispers in the office corridors about layoffs or future terminations strikes terror and instills worry in everyone. Especially in the current economic crisis. If your job is in jeopardy, take steps now so you're ready for that final HR call. The most important step in… more

  • The Difference Between a Resume, a Bio, and Curricula Vitae

    Job seekers are somewhat confused with the semantics of what a resume is versus a short biography versus a curricula vitae. Each has their strengths and weaknesses, depending upon the end goal or objective of the owner. Let’s examine the definitions and the differences. Curr… more

  • Seven LinkedIn First-Time User Mistakes

    Recruiters are just as discriminating when reviewing LinkedIn profiles as they are when they review resumes. Those using LinkedIn for the first time can be in a rush, make minor or major mistakes, and don’t realize they have set themselves up for failure. Here are a few mistak… more

  • Nine Things Not to Have on Your Resume and Nine Alternatives

    Many job seekers put too much information on their resume. Unfortunately this extra information may hinder their job search efforts. Recruiters look for hard facts on a resume. The warm, fuzzy, "Tell us more about you.” comes later in an interview. Here are some tips on how … more