All posts by Nancy Gober

  • Changing Your Career WITHOUT Starting at the Bottom

    Changing jobs is hard. Changing Careers is harder. But if doing something different is on your mind, don’t let anything stop you. Know that changing your career’s direction is very doable providing you are realistic about what it will take to achieve your goal. As job marke… more

  • Negotiation: What Can You Negotiate For, Benefits and Perks

    When job seekers are successful in receiving a job offer, and they decide to negotiate the offer to try to improve it, their thoughts more often than not first turn to salary. However, there are far more things to negotiate for besides salary in the forms of benefits and perks. T… more

  • Negotiation Begins the Moment You Say Hello

    Negotiation begins with the first impression you make on an employer. The initial information you choose to reveal about your experience begins the negotiation and influences your offer. Since this is the information initially offered in your resume, other marketing materials, an… more

  • Easing the Fear and Anxiety of Negotiating Your Job Offer

    Success . . . you have a job offer! You’ve worked hard. You crafted your marketing materials; you networked your way into some good interviews; you interviewed well. You made a strong case that you are a candidate who can provide benefit to the hiring organization. You so… more

  • You’ve Got the Job, Now What? 10 Tips for Staying Marketable

    Congratulations! You have landed your new cleared job. Maybe you set a goal at the beginning of the year to find a new job, and it took a while, but you did it. Maybe you decided mid-year that you wanted a new job, and you just landed a new opportunity. Or, maybe you have been… more