Category Archives: Job Search / Career Development

  • Do You Have the Right Skills to be Hired

    Many companies say they aren’t hiring because they’re not finding people with the right skills. This was a hot topic of discussion at the FedTech Outlook 2012 conference. The keywords of mobile, cloud and social were also topics of key interest for the panel of senior women t… more

  • Is a Search Firm Right for Your Job Search

    First, understand a search firm’s role is to satisfy the employer who pays them by finding a hire who meets the employer's specs. Their role is NOT to get YOU a job. There are two main types of search firms (aka "headhunters") you could work with: contingency and retained. 1.… more

  • The Holidays and Your Job Search: Bah Humbug or Be Merry

    The holidays bring stress. If you are in a job search you may be plagued with unanswered applications. Or you may be trying to schedule interviews around busy holiday activities. If you are a hiring manager you have year-end reports and difficult requisitions to fill for the begi… more

  • Don’t Stop Your Job Search During the Holidays

    The holidays are upon us already. You may be thinking, "I have so much to get done, and so many activities between now and the end of the year. There just isn't time for my job search." Or you may be frustrated with your job search. And the prospect of using the holidays as an… more

  • Military Spouse Employment Summit Tips for Job Seekers

    The Military Spouse Employment Summit, the brainchild of Sue Hoppin founder of the National Military Spouse Network, provided a series of speakers sharing career and job search advice with a military spouse focus. Some of the tips for job seekers: John Berry, Director Office of … more