Category Archives: Military Transition / Veterans
Veterans Report: VA Choice funding running low, veteran groups kill part of budget proposal, bipartisan work on military pay, PTS research, and more
It’s time to focus on children of wounded warriors, experts say Karen Jowers (@KarenJowers), Military Times America’s wounded warriors face ongoing, lifelong care that can drastically change the dynamics of a military family. Often, while the primary focus remains on wounde… more
What You Didn’t Learn in Your Military Transition Class that is Driving Me Crazy
So you took the class “they” said you had to take to be successful as you transitioned out of the military. You sat for long hours and listened to the facilitators, employers, fashion consultants and speakers yammer on about everything you need to put your best foot forward a… more
Let’s Get More Veterans to Black Hat
It has been an interest of mine and ClearedJobs.Net for some time to get more veterans involved with cybersecurity. Many of the challenges that face veterans as they transition into the private sector further complicate veterans moving into a cybersecurity career. Namely lack… more
Military Spouse Appreciation Day 2016
“Military spouses make the mission possible.” Sue Hoppin, Founder, National Military Spouse Network National Military Spouse Appreciation Day was first proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1984, and is observed the Friday prior to Mother’s Day. This year military sp… more
Veteran Transition Timeline: When to Attend Job Fairs
If you’re curious as to how job seekers could possibly get so many different answers to such a basic question like “When should I first attend a job fair,” well the answer lies in the ambiguity of personal circumstance. In this case it’s the circumstances of both the empl… more