Celebrate Military Spouse Appreciation Day 2019

It’s that meaningful time of year again when we invite you to help us publicly recognize military spouses for their sacrifice and dedication to their military husbands and wives on active duty. In 2009, ClearedJobs.Net launched an effort to honor spouses from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces using the Twitter handle @MilSpouseDay and we continue to hold this initiative in high regard as a small token of how much we value what these families’ do for our country.
National Military Spouse Appreciation Day was first proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1984, and is observed the Friday prior to Mother’s Day. This year military spouses will be honored Friday, May 10.
Our goal is to recognize military spouses who often endure months apart from their loved ones, uprooted lives, and the general uncertainty that comes with being the spouse of a military member. Join us in recognizing and applauding this special group of men and women.
Do You Know a Military Spouse We Should Honor
Please help us honor these folks who serve our country. If you know a military spouse with a Twitter account that should be recognized, please send a tweet to @milspouseday. You can follow our initiative this year through May 10 via your Twitter account.
This entry was posted on Monday, May 06, 2019 11:54 am