Congrats on Multiple Job Offers – Now What?

Posted by Ashley Jones
multiple job offers

There’s a lot to consider when it comes to accepting a job offer, especially if you get several offers at once. It’s not always as simple as choosing whichever has a better salary and compensation package. The best option depends on what you value most, and that might look very different to someone else fielding the same job offers.

We recently surveyed job seekers on LinkedIn about the factors that most influence their decision when picking between two or more job offers. The majority, at 47%, picked salary and benefits. This was followed by remote work / location (29%), a flexible schedule (13%), and company culture (12%).

If you’re facing the dilemma of multiple job offers, consider these insights to help guide your decision and respond professionally to those you gracefully decline.

Money Isn’t Everything

Though compensation continues to play a prominent role in accepting a job offer, it’s not the end all be all. If you did your due diligence up front, both of your offers likely fall in an acceptable salary range you would be happy with.

If there is a monetary difference between the offers, you may be tempted to accept whichever is higher. But keep in mind, no amount of money compensates for a bad fit, especially if you end up hunting for another job shortly after because you’re not happy.

Ask yourself, if the compensation were the same, which opportunity would give you the motivation to get up and go to work every morning?

A survey respondent commented, “There has to be a motive in why you are moving to a new job. Change of pace, stress, culture, money/benefits/compensation, distance/long drive, a new skill, or even trying to maintain or even acquire a higher clearance.” Where does your motivation lie?

A survey respondent who chose company culture as the biggest influence on their decision wisely noted, “if you don’t enjoy where you work, the other factors won’t matter.”

Choosing the Best Offer for You

If you haven’t already created a career decision matrix, take the time now to determine what’s most important to you. List your top 8-10 needs and desires so that it can serve as a checklist to compare your job offers effectively.

Maybe the location of the job ranks high on your list, as it does for the survey respondent who admitted, “I would take $10,000 less if a job is 5 minutes away as opposed to 1 hour away.”

Or perhaps a flexible schedule is your top priority. Another commenter said, “As an employee I’d take a significant pay-cut (30%?) to be able to flex 20 hours or more per week to non-business hours so that I can do something else during the day other than sit at a computer.”

Between factors like compensation, location, flexibility, and company culture, one survey respondent said, “Those are all very valuable and important factors, but no single one will decide where I choose to land if given solid choices. The right position will have a healthy balance of all of those aspects.”

Ranking and prioritizing your wants and needs in your career decision matrix by what matters most to you will help give you clarity. This is especially important if you have two great offers – you’re going to have to decide which one aligns perhaps just a hair closer to your wish list.

Getting the Timing Right

Being in demand by employers can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to timing the various offer stages just right. You may have a job offer coming from more than one employer, but they rarely line up on the same day.

Once a company does offer you a job, they typically expect a quick decision on your part. Even if you don’t have any other irons in the fire, you should always ask for the offer in writing. This allows you some time to step back and review it closely before saying yes and diminishing your negotiating power.

If the offer is right for you, accept it and move forward. They may have another candidate on the hook, so they’ll want a response most likely in a day or two.

Now for the more complicated scenario. If you receive an offer but you think you’re close to getting one from another employer that may be an even better fit for you, you need to buy yourself some time.

Tell company A that you need a few days to discuss the offer with your family. A week is acceptable to some employers, but they may push for 48 hours. You can also come back at that time to begin negotiations on the existing offer if there are aspects you want to change.

Don’t assume negotiating will restart the clock. The negotiation stage can move very quickly sometimes, whether they’re able to meet your requests or not. In the current environment, job seekers are often the ones in the driver’s seat. It’s a fight for talent and employers want to lock you in. However, do not negotiate a job you have no intention of taking. That will only complicate the process of declining the offer if they’ve met your every desire.

As soon as you get the offer from company A, call the hiring manager at company B if that interview process has gone well and you think they are likely to make an offer soon too. Reinforce your interest, ask if they are still interested in you and also how soon you are likely to know if they will make an offer. If this is the job you favor more and you feel comfortable with the hiring manager you can tell them you have another offer but would prefer to work with them. Once you know where you stand, accept one offer and gracefully tell the other that you decline.

Thanks, but No Thanks

Now that you know which offer to accept it’s time to decline any others still on the table. While many people decline offers via email, give the hiring manager a call if you can reach them. Always be gracious and thank them for their time. You can decline an offer without burning bridges by communicating your appreciation for the consideration you have been shown.

No apologies are necessary. Simply be considerate and give a heartfelt thanks. You might communicate that their offer is very compelling and you’ve considered it carefully, but you’ve received another offer that better suits you at this point in your career. You never know who you’ll interact with in future job searches, so don’t just run off into the sunset with the new job you accepted. Be gracious and professional in all your communications when fielding multiple job offers.


  • Ashley Jones is ClearedJobs.Net's blog Editor and a cleared job search expert, dedicated to helping security-cleared job seekers and employers navigate job search and recruitment challenges. With in-depth experience assisting cleared job seekers and transitioning military personnel at in-person and virtual Cleared Job Fairs and military base hiring events, Ashley has a deep understanding of the unique needs of the cleared community. She is also the Editor of ClearedJobs.Net's job search podcast, Security Cleared Jobs: Who's Hiring & How.

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This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 12:23 pm

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