Memorial Day 2022

Posted by John Nixon
Memorial Day

The world is in a very different place from a year ago. Covid has evolved from pandemic to endemic, people are back at their work offices and life is returning to a version of “new normal.” The economy while not back to where it was, is stabilizing, albeit with many adjustments.

Throughout history, conflicts and chaos happen constantly. Peace is relative. We have long periods of calm followed by equally long times of conflict, both globally and regionally. The news is filled every day with potential conflicts that could affect us at any time.

Russia unilaterally invaded Ukraine with a devastating human toll. And of course, the ever-present looming issues between China and Taiwan. Not to mention countless skirmishes around the rest of the globe.

As it is written in the American Declaration of Independence, we all deeply believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. People the world over simply want freedom from tyranny and oppression and to live their lives in peace. But this peace and freedom comes at a price.

For over 225 years, the women and men of our American military have stood watch, faced our enemies, and fought to maintain our freedoms and liberties. Some gave everything.

So, like every Memorial Day, please join me to take a moment to give our thanks to all of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines by remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice which allows all of us to think, speak and live freely. We owe it to them never to forget.

Semper Fidelis


This entry was posted on Friday, May 27, 2022 6:00 am

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