Search Results for: resume

  • Recruiters Are You Chasing Purple Squirrels

    The job market has gotten complicated lately – and not just for people out hunting for work. For those of us on the other side of the equation things are just as challenging -- try and remember the last time you had an honest-to-goodness “easy to fill” requirement to work o… more

  • The Worst Mistake in a Job Search

    At the most recent Cleared Job Fair, Patra Frame reviewed job seekers’ resumes. Patra shared one issue that challenged many of the job seekers she spoke with: How do you write a resume when you don’t really know what you want to do? You may have great skills. But do you kno… more

  • When Is a Job Board Not a Job Board? When It Is an Influencer

    The most recent Career Xroads Sources of Hire survey was released recently. If you are not familiar with it, Gerry Crispin and Mark Mehler have been conducting this study for over a decade. The survey looked at data from 36 companies with over 200,000 job openings to determine th… more

  • Big Changes: Government or Military Transitioning to Civilian Work

    If you have spent a long career in the military or government, the change to the civilian world is often even larger than you expect. Week after week I see people who were accomplished pilots, program managers, XO’s, SMEs, -- and who are truly floundering. Many have unrealis… more

  • Interview with a Recruiter, Bill Lewis, L-3 Communications GSES

    [caption id="attachment_4358" align="alignright" width="100" caption="Bill Lewis"][/caption] From time to time we bring you Q/A sessions with recruiters, who provide insights on their company, its hiring practices and job search tips. Bill Lewis, L-3 Communications GS&E… more