Search Results for: network

  • Gimme the $$$ Part 1 – Salary Basics

    While you have seen the advice to put off salary discussions as long as possible in discussing a potential job you need to learn about salary ranges and what is realistic early in your job search.  Your knowledge, experience, and the value you demonstrate you offer are… more

  • Practice, practice, practice

    For today’s Movie Quote Monday, I am dating myself and reaching way back into the time machine to “Karate Kid” – the first one. I have to admit that I never really liked this movie, but I’ve found its lessons keep popping up throughout my life. While… more

  • Fall: Fast Forward

    Yesterday it was the start of summer and here we are already falling into Fall.  Whether you took the summer off from your job search or used it well, now is certainly a good time to get your job search into its new fall wardrobe.  Government contractors are looking forward to … more

  • Battle of Wits — Asking the right questions during an interview

    You’ve done your resume, connected through networking, submitted the application, made it through the phone screening, through the security scan and are finally in the interview! In “Princess Bride” terms, you have crossed the ocean,  climbed the really, r… more

  • Help me, help you

    Asking for help during a job search is a two-way street. You need to be specific about what you are looking for, and you need to make sure that the person you are requesting assistance from can actually help you. I’ve found that most people will help someone if they are able t… more