Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • Establishing a More Secure Networking Experience on LinkedIn

    LinkedIn is a terrific networking tool. Its primary usage is for professionals to build a network with other professionals and to develop business associations. While it's a form of social media, it is not to be used as socializing tool like Facebook or Instagram. Your presence o… more

  • Review These Interview Basics

    Sad but true, job interviewing never seems to get easier. Every interview is different. You meet new people with new personalities and unique needs, you work hard to sell yourself and position your skills as appropriate for the job, and the third degree throws you a curve ball… more

  • Top 10 Jobs Lists, Hot Jobs, and Your Future

    You’ve seen the lists: Top 10 IT jobs, Hot Jobs by 2025, Fastest Growing Jobs, Top 25 Jobs, Best Employers, and so on. You probably have looked at a number of such lists. And you know they are good click-bait. How are they useful in your job search? Career planning? Read on. … more

  • Tapping Into the Top Veteran Talent Pool

    Experienced recruiters realize that veterans bring terrific qualities to the civilian workforce – they are team players and team leaders, they bring a strong work ethic and exceptional focus, most are educated, disciplined and self-motivated. The almost 250,000 vets who tran… more

  • Negotiation: What Can You Negotiate For, Benefits and Perks

    When job seekers are successful in receiving a job offer, and they decide to negotiate the offer to try to improve it, their thoughts more often than not first turn to salary. However, there are far more things to negotiate for besides salary in the forms of benefits and perks. T… more