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3 Things Veteran Job Seekers Shouldn’t Like
You know that LinkedIn is not Facebook. But this means much more than just watching what you post to LinkedIn. In addition to the content you post directly, veterans and cleared job seekers need also to be wary of what they “like” and comment on. These actions will actuall… more
6 Interview Tips You’ve Probably Never Heard
Here are some unique tips, strategies and things to think about before your next interview. Take a list of questions to ask the interviewer. By now you likely know that you should come to an interview prepared to ask relevant questions. Interviews are two-way communications so… more
What to Ask When Researching and Interviewing Target Employers
Research is an often ignored or minimal aspect of job search. Given the huge wave of change that has swept government contracting over the last five years, this is especially dangerous. Many of today’s big names are a totally different company than they were even a year or two … more
Have You Used Block Employer
"Block Employer" is a feature available on your ClearedJobs.Net job seeker profile that allows you to block any employer in our database from being able to see your profile and resume. When Do I Use Block Employer You may be an active job seeker and you don’t want your cu… more
You’re in Tech, Do You Know Where You’re Going
At the recent BSidesDC we sat down with a software engineer to explore challenges and opportunities for job seekers in the tech community. Media and social media are filled with the difficulty companies are having finding the right tech talent, as well as stories, memes and video… more