Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.
5 Data Points for the Top of Your Resume
Job seekers and recruiters can both be frustrated with the job search process. At times we blame technology, but often it's the data we provide the technology that can be a big part of the problem. The old adage of “garbage in, garbage out” applies to job search just as it d… more
Why Does a Recruiter Attend Black Hat or DEF CON
Black Hat and DEF CON are two pre-eminent information security conferences. DEF CON bills itself as the oldest continuously running hacker convention and is a less institutional type event than Black Hat. I recently asked Black Hat / DEF CON veteran Kirsten Renner, Talent Man… more
3 Real World Hiring Examples from Advantage SCI
The hiring process. It seems there are as many “tips” as there are openings. And while the focus is often on tips for the job seeker, the fact of the matter is that organizations also have their challenges. Both sides of the equation are always looking for that critical piece… more
Veterans Transition Easily to Project Management
With nearly 600 jobs in the field of project management currently available on ClearedJobs.Net, we contacted Eric Wright, Co-Founder and CEO of Vets2PM to explore how transitioning service members can prepare themselves for project management positions. Why are veterans a natu… more
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Job Search Coach
Thinking of hiring a Job Search Coach? It can be a good move. A good job search coach can save you a lot of time and angst, and assist you in finding a better job faster. While there is no magic pill that can get the job done in a nano-second – as some job seekers I’ve met… more