Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • Three Networking Success Tips

    You can hardly say job search without 'networking' popping up. Why? Studies show consistent networkers are more successful in business and in life. Yet many of us fear it or misunderstand the process. These are human connections. You are helping each other. Tip 1. Learn how to… more

  • How Military Women Find Job Search Success

    Military women transitioning to the civilian world over the past decade have had higher rates of unemployment than men. What can you do to make sure you find the right cleared job and succeed? 1. Take advantage of every transition program offered. Research shows that those … more

  • A Cyber Warrior’s Journey to Leidos

    Shane Jaeger, Senior Business Development Manager, Leidos, is a 27-year Navy veteran who does a great job sharing on his LinkedIn Profile why a company would want to hire him. Here is an excerpt: How does being a veteran line up with being successful in the world of business d… more

  • How an IT Professional Can Transition to a Cyber Security Career

    From banking and healthcare to government contractors and intel agencies, you can’t look anywhere today without seeing something about cyber security. Whether it’s the challenges that are facing us from cyber security threats to the growing number of employment opportunities … more

  • Real Co$t of a Vacation During Job Search

    To Vacation or Not To Vacation. That's one question. But not the only one. The bigger question is what is the real co$t of that week or two or three away? The article below discusses 3 questions to answer before deciding to go on a vacation during your job search.  Question 1: … more