Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.

  • Google & University of Maryland Cybersecurity Seminar Series

    If you’re interested in cybersecurity, check out the Google & University of Maryland Cybersecurity Seminar Series, organized by the Maryland Cybersecurity Center. The series features speakers from government, industry and academia, presenting on topics related to cyberse… more

  • Job Search Networking

    “Networking is a dreeeaaad word for job seekers,” Patra intones. But it’s not as hard as you may think it is. Check out this video and find out how networking can be relatively painless. Why is networking important? Two thoughts: 1. Networking is your window on t… more

  • Big Changes: Government or Military Transitioning to Civilian Work

    If you have spent a long career in the military or government, the change to the civilian world is often even larger than you expect. Week after week I see people who were accomplished pilots, program managers, XO’s, SMEs, -- and who are truly floundering. Many have unrealis… more

  • 9 Interviewing Mistakes Security Cleared Job Seekers Should Avoid

    You've been called in for an interview. As you know, first impressions are critical. The people you interview with will unknowingly make judgments about you within the first 30 seconds of meeting you. Those impressions may be based on how you shake hands or how you're dressed, am… more

  • How to Talk About Employment Gaps

    If you’ve been out of work for awhile, whether it’s due to caregiving for a sick relative, raising children, or difficulty finding a job, how do you present that issue to a prospective employer? This is not an uncommon experience, so don’t think that you’re the only job s… more