Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.
Job Seekers…Do Your Research
I’m not sure where you live, but in my metro area there is a hum. A hum of job seekers. It’s nice to have all these people who are supposedly passive and not looking for a new gig, piqued by the opportunities we have available. But just because I’ve knocked on your door … more
Salary Planning for Transitioning Military
Civilian compensation is very different from military pay and benefits. Thus it is important that you learn what to expect in your chosen field. Many transitioning military assume civilian pay is always higher, but that day is long gone. What do you want? Your chosen field… more
Simpler Strategies for Networking
One of the most overlooked opportunities at a job fair or other networking event is interacting with other job seekers. Every time I think of networking I revert back to high school and going to the high school dance. You go into the gym. Look around. Wonder why you are there.… more
Cyber Security, the New Era of Collaboration
When faced with crises many organizations either fold or innovate. At yesterday’s AFCEA Bethesda monthly breakfast, the tune was collaboration and consolidation of best practices across agencies. The panel represented a cross section of agencies with different constituencies: … more
Organizing your LinkedIn Connections with Tags
Figuring out how to manage your LinkedIn connections can be a challenge. To help, LinkedIn has developed ‘Tags’. Tags are simple keywords that you create to organize your connections for quick filtering. It’s the same concept as circles on Google+. How tags are helpful: … more