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Post event recap: ClearedJobs.Net sponsored *Train of Pain* bicycle team’s ToP III 2009
This blog post recaps our bike team's * Train of Pain * 5-day cyclo-tour in Southern California held on May 21, 2009. The 21st of May marked the completion a 5-day cyclo-tour, known as of the Train of Pain (ToP). Sponsored by the Canari-Navy/ Cycling Club, this ye… more
What salary do I ask for?
Q. I am transitioning military to civilian and have no idea what salary to ask for. How do I find out? A: As a part of the research you do to figure out what jobs interest you, you should be looking at pay ranges. There are some websites that provide basic data to… more
“Ask Patra!” Column … Edition #002
Each week, Patra Frame, a frequent presenter at the Cleared Job Fairs will answer a job seekers question. These are questions that are either asked at the Cleared Job Fairs or sent into Patra. The questions can range from job searching, interviewing, or career strategy. This week… more