Search Results for: resumes

  • Don’t overdress your resume

    Resist the urge to dress up your resume with fancy graphics that you think are going to set your resume apart from all the others, unless you are in a creative field. The more window dressing you include the more likely a recruiter may pass your resume by. Why? Resumes are someti… more

  • Resume Check: Strengthen your Achievements

    You have read it on a million pieces of job search advice.  I say it all the time.  Yet many resumes still lack solid statements about what the individual accomplished in previous jobs.  And those actual achievements are what tell an employer what you can do for them. You … more

  • Social Media Is Not A Silver Bullet

    Should we do social recruiting in the cleared community The presentation above, which was shared at meeting our last week with key members of Booz Allen & Hamilton, inspired the following blog post: Anywhere you look these days, your inbox, newsletters websites companies are… more

  • Job Search Tools: Susan Ireland’s book and blog

    I just got Susan Ireland's new book: "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Perfect Resume"  --  she does a great job covering a lot of job search info simply and concisely. Among her excellent "Resume Commandments", I especially want you to think about these two: Thou shalt… more

  • From Military to Civilian – A Careers Journey #1

    Currently there is a lot of attention on the employment of military vets.  But your challenge is to figure out what you want to do, what organizations interest you, and how to make the transition. There have always been companies which sought out veterans.  And the federal gov… more