Search Results for: job fair

  • Military transition: Career choices

    So there you are, trying to figure out what jobs in the civilian world will be worthwhile. And here I am, regularly talking success stories and research.... With all the potential careers available, how do you start to choose? First steps are to think about what your knowledge… more

  • Fall: Fast Forward

    Yesterday it was the start of summer and here we are already falling into Fall.  Whether you took the summer off from your job search or used it well, now is certainly a good time to get your job search into its new fall wardrobe.  Government contractors are looking forward to … more

  • What Do You Really Want to Do Next

    At every ClearedJobs.Net Cleared Job Fair as well as other events, I talk with transitioning military folks who do not really know what they want to do next. Many have some idea, some have very specific plans -- but a large number do not have a clear, specific focus.  Certain… more

  • USMC Corporal stationed in Japan seeks military career transition advice

    Michael, a Marine stationed overseas, writes in to ask for some guidance as he prepares his military career transition: "I'm in United Sates Marine Corps currently stationed in Japan. I will be getting out July 2010 and I don't really know were or how to search for jobs that I wo… more

  • “Ask Patra!” Column … Edition #008

    Each week, Patra Frame, a frequent presenter at the Cleared Job Fairs will answer a job seekers question. These are questions that are either asked at the Cleared Job Fairs or sent into Patra. The questions can range from job searching, interviewing, or career strategy. This week… more