Stay current on security cleared job search tips, trends and news.
How to Obtain or Maintain a Security Clearance Despite Prior Drug Use
Under Guideline H, Drug Involvement, the government may have security concerns about past or current illegal drug use since this can raise questions as to your judgment, trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity. Those possessing a security clearance are required to be res… more
Cyber Security Skills Growth and Professional Development for Career Success
Cyber security is essential—to everyone in this day and age. Individuals face identify theft, entire cities’ operations can be impacted by cyberattacks, and national security is at stake in the balance too. With the need to protect and defend so high, it’s no surprise … more
How to Navigate Security Cleared Cyber Security Certifications
EC-Council’s Kevin King discusses everything you want to know about certifications, from preparing for and maintaining certifications, to sharing which are most valued by defense contractors. The 8570 certification matrix below is divided into three separate areas that … more
How To Manage Your Security Clearance as a 1099 Sub-Contractor
I’ve been a cleared 1099 sub-contractor since 2015. One of the concerns I had when I first started was how to keep my security clearance “active,” meaning I wanted to be able to take on projects that require a security clearance without having to start from scratch on … more
6 Unique Things About Recruiting for Cleared Cyber Security Positions
Recruiting successful hires can be challenging in any industry, especially in a competitive market where there are more job openings than qualified job seekers. That’s right, we’re talking about cyber security—the field that’s famous for its “talent shortage” tag… more