Search Results for: networking
AFCEA CMD 2013 Race for Excellence 5K
It was a glorious sunny morning for the the 6th annual 2013 Race for Excellence 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run. The eventbenefits AFCEA’s Central Maryland Scholarship Fund, which provides merit-based college scholarships to deserving local high-school students. This community event h… more
Cleared Job Seeker Guide Released
Starting your job search and need direction? Already in your job search and need direction? Download our Cleared Job Seeker Guide. It's a step-by-step guide designed to assist security cleared job seekers in their next career move, providing practical tips and guidance for eve… more
Skip Your Resume Objective to Grab an Employer’s Attention
What is the point of a resume? It is an ad, designed to get an employer interested in you. So why do so many people start out with a statement of what they want: “where I can contribute my skills to a growing blah, blah, blah..." Most objectives are boringly similar and no… more
Recruiters, What You Lose When Budgets Are Cut
Everyone's budget is being cut. We all have to be more creative with less. But is cutting resources the best option for long term recruiting and employer branding strategy? While there is significant pressure to cut resources as budgets tighten, there are some key things to co… more
Interview with A Recruiter, Scott Theobald, CSSS.Net
Scott tell us about yourself and your company I’m a Marine Corps veteran and have been with CSSS.NET in the Omaha office for nearly seven years, recruiting on a national and international basis. We’ve recently added Kim Williams as a Senior Recruiter in our Washington, DC,… more