Search Results for: resume
AFCEA NOVA Career Transition Seminar and Breakfast
ClearedJobs.Net is sponsoring the AFCEA NOVA Military Career Transition Seminar & Breakfast, January 29, from 7am-9am at the DoubleTree in Crystal City, Virginia. Please join us to gain insight from those who have successfully transitioned and network with hiring profess… more
5 Job Seeker New Year’s Resolutions
Since many of us take this time to reflect on the year past and the year ahead of us, let's do so in the context of your job search. We're not going to guilt you into making promises you can't keep, so let's keep our list of resolutions to five manageable items that will help you… more
The 5 Most Popular ClearedJobs.Net Stories of 2012
As 2012 comes to a close, we’re reviewing our blog stories that generated the most readers this year. America loves lists, so those tend to be the most popular articles. That is unless you throw out something controversial such as whether your email service provider makes yo… more
Interview with A Recruiter, Cliff Colley, CACI
From time to time we bring you Q/A sessions with recruiters, who provide insights on their company, its hiring practices and job search tips. Cliff Colley, CACI Tell us about yourself I have been with CACI since 2008. As a military recruiter, I act as a liaison for vete… more
LinkedIn Skills and Endorsements
Do you need to make some sense of LinkedIn Skills and Endorsements? Recently LinkedIn made several changes to profiles and profile features. Every job search should use multiple resources such as LinkedIn, networking, and job boards like ClearedJobs.Net, to research and levera… more