Search Results for: resume
April 7 Cleared Job Fair Job Seeker Story
We caught up with job seeker Dale Brandt at yesterday's Cleared Job Fair in Springfield, VA. Dale was a Cleared Job Fair attendee several years ago. Now that he's back in the job market Dale has returned to visit with us. Dale is seeking a position in hard-core science. He … more
Four Steps to Job Interview Preparation
Recruiters and hiring managers regularly trade stories about interviewees who are totally clueless -- not the impression you want to make. But a little preparation can ensure successful interviewing! Step 1. Review all the information you already have about the opportunity… more
Five job search time wasters
Are you losing focus in your job search? Finding the days disappearing into an online haze? Here are some common time wasters you should avoid: 1. Applying for every job, no matter how far fetched. It's so easy now to apply online for jobs that you may be tempted to apply for pos… more
Five New Year’s resolutions for job seekers
Since many of us take this time to reflect on the year past and the year ahead of us, let's do so in the context of your job search. We're not going to guilt you into making promises you can't keep, so let's keep our list of resolutions to five manageable items that will help you… more
Working with ‘headhunters’
I often am asked to recommend a 'good recruiter' (aka headhunter) by someone who is in job search mode. Recruiters in search firms can be a useful asset in your network. But they are rarely the answer to your job search! Even if you already have a relationship with one… more