Search Results for: resume
Improve Your Job Search with Tips from a Recruiter at SAIC
JoLana Larsen, Senior Strategic Recruiter at SAIC, shares tips to help you improve your cleared job search. Avoid these three common job search errors: 1. Outdated Info Something I see frequently is outdated information on resumes and job board profiles. Double… more
Smarter Job Search: The Career Decision Matrix
How to use a career decision matrix to make the best choices when searching for a new job. We go into a job search with hopes and desires. And, quickly or not, a possible job offer appears and suddenly it becomes a decision. Often I talk with people who are trying to deci… more
Cleared Job Search Tips from Michael Barnum, Raytheon Technologies
Michael Barnum, Sr. Recruiter at Raytheon Technologies, shares cleared job search tips to help you improve your resume and excel in interviews. Whether it’s on Zoom or in person, interviewing is a skill set. I tell candidates, if you get an opportunity to interview for … more
How to Recover From an Interview Gone Wrong
You polished your resume, donned your best outfit, and arrived in-person or virtually right on time – and then you said absolutely the wrong thing. You flubbed an answer. You used an inappropriate example. You forgot a basic fact. You bombed. You put your foot in it. Yo… more
Transitioning Military: Make Yourself a Great Candidate
Every day my work mailbox includes pitches from people who want to place articles on my blogs or sell me products or services. Most clearly don’t know what I do, or they’ve never read the blog they say they want to write for. I give these emails maybe two seconds before … more