Search Results for: resume
Name-Dropping for Your Next Job
There is an advantage to knowing people in high places, and it’s not hard to ride their coattails into success in your own career. Think about famous singers who were opening acts for other popular performers who got positive exposure in concerts. Think about Lieutenant Governo… more
The 4-Step Job Seeker Sales Process
Effective job seekers sell themselves and their product or services using the same sales process. Here is how to apply the sales process to preparation of your job search: Step 1, Learn about and understand the product / service you are selling That’s you! It can be s… more
Looking for a Job? You’re in Sales
I often ask job search workshop groups “Have you ever been in sales?” A few hands will go up. “How many of you ARE in sales?” Again, a few hands go up. “How many of you are looking for a job?” As the light bulb goes on, all hands go up. Looking for a job is all… more
Eight Steps for the Care and Feeding of Recruiters
Recruiters are the gatekeepers for most jobs. They can also be a tremendous advocate and resource for cleared job seekers. Knowing the best way to work with recruiters is crucial for any cleared professional looking for their next opportunity. But let’s be clear. A recruiter… more
The People in Your Pipelines
It’s the New Year. You want to do more with less, update your recruiting style, or just be a bit more effective. There are lots of silver bullets being touted and buzzword bingo clouding up the recruiting blogosphere to the point that it is easier to fall back into old habits. … more