Search Results for: resumes

  • Veterans Don’t Dilute Your Resume, Distill It

    Flowery, fluffy, fantastic words and phrases. It may be writing to the awards board to make sure a subordinate’s "diligent effort to single handedly ensure the command passed the inspection with unprecedented results" gets them an award. Or writing to the promotion board about … more

  • Get More Applications

    Want more applications from qualified job seekers? Get busy improving your job postings. Making the most out of your advertising dollars is very important, and that is exactly what a job posting is – advertising. The job posting is one of the first forms of communication a … more

  • Navigating the Ups-and-Downs of Job Loss and Job Search

    Recently I was reminded about the emotional side of job loss. I was talking with a now happily employed person – we’ll call her Joan – who recalled what it felt like to lose her job many years ago. Although time had passed, emotions surfaced that were still raw when she re… more

  • Interview with a Recruiter, Karen Ryan, TRG

    Karen, tell us about yourself and your company My experience as a Human Resources and Recruiting professional has afforded me the opportunity to meet and work with some extremely talented and very mission-focused individuals. My career foundations have always been rooted in te… more

  • Why Job Searches Fail

    New Year’s Resolutions. It's that time of year when folks observe the tradition of making New Year's Resolutions. They join gyms, start exercise programs, begin diets, take courses to learn a new language, and right up there among the most popular resolutions is the vow to find… more