Tag Archives: candidate experience
Employers Maximize Job Fair Success By Reaching Out Early
We all know it, and we've all probably said it. To make a job fair successful, job seekers need to do their homework and prepare ahead of time. But to be fair, good employers need to understand that this advice goes both ways. For employers, the key to a successful recruitment… more
Candidate Experience: Which Candidate
Thanks to several programs and general awareness a focus in recruiting now is the candidate experience. While this is all good, we have to remember that not all candidates are created equal. In the candidate experience the focus has been placed on when the candidate enters the… more
Recruiters To Do List for 2014
Trends and predictions are the norm this time of year. Recruiting newsletters are making predictions about big data, mobile, branding and tech as some of the top line issues for 2014. For the security cleared community the biggest impact is the changing economy and how we continu… more
5 Candidate Experience Myths
Ever wonder as a job seeker if recruiters really care about how you're treated in the hiring process? Your experience when applying for a job is referred to in the recruiting world as the “candidate experience”. And good companies are concerned about the experience a job s… more