Tag Archives: career transition
Federal and Military Retirees: Start Smart for Success
He looked like a successful executive, a 'sharp-dressed man,' and presented himself as one. But then I looked at his resume - it didn't do him justice. This happens regularly at Cleared Job Fairs and other events where I review resumes of federal and military people approach… more
How to Keep Your Cleared Job Search on the Down Low
Do you want to keep your cleared job search quiet? Sometimes, for any number of reasons, we really don’t want anyone that we work with to know that we’re seeking a new position. If that describes your situation, here are some steps you can take to be sure your coll… more
3 Reasons I Chose SAIC When I Transitioned out of the Military
When an individual exits the military, there are many paths to travel. Here’s the perspective of S.M., an Intel Analyst in the Intelligence Community working for SAIC at Annapolis Junction, Maryland. I chose a non-traditional path to the military. I joined the Army fro… more
The Dilemma of Two Job Offers – A Parable
A friend of mine recently entered the market for a new job. The good news is that he was gainfully employed. The bad news was that he had become dissatisfied with the direction that his company was headed. That new direction affected his lifestyle, finances, and offered a limited… more
Military Transition: Excitement….But?
Okay, let’s be honest. There are many things that excite you as you plan to leave the military and there are also thoughts that create fear. As you work your way through the transition process it’s important to surround yourself with valuable resources and former colleagues w… more