Tag Archives: compensation

  • What’s the Point of an Initial Phone Interview

    I want to share with you my objective, as a recruiter and a hiring manager, during an initial phone screen with you. By this time in the hiring process, I’ve already seen enough in your resume to warrant a conversation. I typically save the in-depth discussion of your experi… more

  • Easing the Fear and Anxiety of Negotiating Your Job Offer

    Success . . . you have a job offer! You’ve worked hard. You crafted your marketing materials; you networked your way into some good interviews; you interviewed well. You made a strong case that you are a candidate who can provide benefit to the hiring organization. You so… more

  • Money Talk: Let’s Discuss Salary

    Talking about money is one of those things that always seems to make people uncomfortable. Whenever someone brings up the topic of money there always seems to be weird silences and stumbling sentences. Meanwhile I’m over here excited about finding a Marilyn Monroe look alike… more

  • Negotiate Your Salary Offer

    Everyone hopes for the perfect offer – the great job in a wonderful company with super pay and benefits. But often we don’t get there without some negotiating. And since it is something most of us do rarely, we are not sure how to go about getting something in an offer change… more

  • Cleared Salaries, Budget Cuts and Reality

    Scene from a recruiting analytics presentation: The defense contracting client had several cleared vacancies but could not fill them. Data analysis showed that the firm’s salary was $30,000 lower than what people who met the requirements were making. The Program Manager rejecte… more