Tag Archives: education

  • How to Avoid Being a Terrible Job Seeker

    Not long ago I wrote an article aimed at recruiters titled "Why Veterans Make Terrible Job Seekers (And What Recruiters Can Do About It"). The piece was inspired by discussions I had been a part of through the Veteran Mentor Network group on LinkedIn. Despite it being written wit… more

  • Conflicting Resume Advice

    Resume advice is often contradictory - who do you believe? Ask five people, get 10 answers.  Sad but true. Most all recruiters and hiring managers agree that you have to have a chronological format resume. But not so much else. These are some common issues in government contr… more

  • Three Ways to Avoid Employment Gaps on Your Resume

    You’ve just lost your job. How do you keep active and involved while you're seeking employment, and make your time without a job work to your advantage? Nothing is more worrisome than being out of work and dreading the bills coming in the mail that you can’t afford to pay. S… more

  • Military transition: Use your education effectively

    I went to my first tech school barely a month after arriving at my first base. You certainly have had some training too. So what do you do with all that when you are thinking about your transition? First, as you have looked at what you want to do - your personal and profession… more