Tag Archives: government transition

  • Who, What, Why…Successful Job Search

    Many people start a job search by telling close friends they need a new job or by updating their resume. Both of those steps are necessary but first you need to think about what you want from this change. One of the basics of investigative journalism serves as a great way fo… more

  • Federal and Military Retirees: Start Smart for Success

    He looked like a successful executive, a 'sharp-dressed man,' and presented himself as one. But then I looked at his resume - it didn't do him justice. This happens regularly at Cleared Job Fairs and other events where I review resumes of federal and military people approach… more

  • Think to the Future Now With a Career Bucket List

    So many people have bucket lists for some distant future. Often these are tied to retirement. While I dislike the bucket list term - the concept applies to one’s work. Why wait till you are in your 70s or 80s to start checking off things you want to do? Start now with your … more

  • Government or Military Transitioning to the Private Sector Top Tips

    May is National Military Appreciation Month. Each day this month we highlight articles to aid transitioning military in their job search and stories to honor our nation’s veterans. If you have spent a long career in the military or government, the change to the civilian worl… more

  • Government to Civilian Employment Transition

    If you're a government worker considering a transition to the civilian or private sector, this video by ClearedJobs.Net's HR Specialist Patra Frame is for you. Network - the word that comes up in any job search discussion - to take advantage of the experiences of those who have … more