Tag Archives: Interviewing

  • The First Question in an Interview

    Tell me about yourself. And so the interview begins. The interviewer asks this ice breaker question as much to start a conversation as to actually learn about the job seeker sitting in front of him or her. The question: "So why don’t you tell me about yourself?” is gene… more

  • What’s Your Greatest Strength

    "What's your greatest strength?" asks the interviewer. "Well, mmmm. . . , I would say I'm . . . uh," stumbles the interviewee. A missed opportunity to succinctly and reasonably tell your interviewer a couple of your key attributes that make you stand out from the crowd and why … more

  • 3 Interviewing Tips for Transitioning Military

    Many military members have difficulty in interviews. In various programs, I have heard those who were sure that they were “too intense” for civilians when interviewing and those who worried about whether they could answer questions effectively. In mock interviews with transi… more

  • Most Frequently Asked Interview Question – What’s Your Biggest Weakness

    "What's your biggest weakness?" asks the interviewer. "Well, um, I guess it would be…." stumbles the interviewee. And, the rest as they say is history. A history of missed opportunities due to lack of a credible and reasonable response to one of the most frequently asked inte… more

  • 7 Tips for Online Interview Preparation

    Your goal is to be current on the company's activities and to develop relevant questions to ask in the interview. That demonstrates you’re an informed professional, current with today’s technology and modes of communication. To that end, incorporate social media and other … more