Tag Archives: Interviewing

  • Job Search: Stumbling Blocks and Feedback

    Job search is a difficult process for most of us. Applications disappear into black holes, a great opportunity looms but you cannot get a response, an interview goes well but months later a rejection letter arrives. In recent years these problems and many others have been aggrava… more

  • More Interviewing Tips for Your Job Search

    A major aspect of your interviews is to gain enough information so you can make a good assessment of the opportunity. In the first part of this Interviewing blog post, 3 Interviewing Tips for Your Job Search, we talked about preparing for the interview so that you know about the … more

  • 3 Interviewing Tips for Your Job Search

    When you are looking for a job, getting an interview is a great step forward. And for most people, a scary one. Interviewing is a specialized dance, one that has been re-invented since the last time you went dancing. And it is often even more difficult for people in IT, intel, a… more

  • Four Steps to Job Interview Preparation

    Recruiters and hiring managers regularly trade stories about interviewees who are totally clueless -- not the impression you want to make. But a little preparation can ensure successful interviewing! Step 1. Review all the information you already have about the opportunity… more

  • Four reasons not to stop your job search during the holidays

    A lot of job seekers assume that the holidays stretching from Thanksgiving until after the New Year are a time to put their job search on hold. If you tell yourself no employers hire over the holidays, no employers interview during December, everyone is physically (or mentally) o… more