Tag Archives: Job search
THANKFUL – Wait, What, In a Job Search?
Job search is generally not something people enjoy. The work needed is difficult, time-consuming, and detailed. The process is full of bad design, lousy job ads, and is more messy than useful. And some days it all feels like a crapshoot. What could one possibly be thankful for… more
Do You Know How to Search Effectively
It’s been said that all solutions breed new problems. In this case the culprit is technology. The internet has made it easier to post, look for, and also respond to job postings. But this has created a flood of activity and content to sort through for both job seekers and … more
Frightful Money Talks Unmasked
Salary and compensation discussions can seem like a trick instead of a treat. It’s often considered taboo to talk about money, but when it comes to job search, it’s a necessary evil. So if you’re dreading more than ghouls and ghosts this Halloween season, consider our … more
Tips for a Successful Job Fair
Our top tips to help you work a job fair like a pro. Cleared employers spend significant time and money to come to job fairs because they’re looking for cleared talent to meet their hiring needs. Want to be one of the attendees to really grab their attention and make t… more
Thoughts on Salary Research, Age Bias, Fielding Job Offers and More
Cleared job search is not something most people enjoy. The process is fraught with difficulties on both sides. Too many job seekers also rely on what worked for them in the past. They barely update their resume and then blast it out while doing all their job search online. I se… more