Tag Archives: Job search
Fall Job Search: Get an Offer by the End of the Year
It’s nearly fall—not only a time for the leaves to change, but also perhaps your job. If you’re in cleared job search mode, now is the time to make the most of the active autumn hiring season. Companies are resuming normal hiring activity following the slower pace of s… more
How to Strategize for More Money
Salary is a regular topic in career and job search discussions. Many people wonder if they are getting paid what others in their field are. Some believe they are underpaid, others just want to know how to get more money. In recent years, average pay raises have been low at a… more
Are You Missing Out on These Cleared Opportunities
In the cleared community we often see countless openings for engineers and analysts, but are you familiar with cleared opportunities for paramedics or ASL interpreters? While jobs like these may not appear frequently across your radar, there are many unique positions in the … more
Federal and Military Retirees: Start Smart for Success
He looked like a successful executive, a 'sharp-dressed man,' and presented himself as one. But then I looked at his resume - it didn't do him justice. This happens regularly at Cleared Job Fairs and other events where I review resumes of federal and military people approach… more
Mistakes to Avoid in Your Military Transition
It’s important to start planning for your entry into the civilian workforce before your military exit arrives. Take control of your career strategy now by researching, preparing your marketing materials, and networking to ease the road to transition ahead. 1. Writing a … more