Tag Archives: military spouse

  • Thanks to Our ClearedJobs.Net Military Spouses

    Several years ago I wrote about the stark realization of being a military spouse, and that I was a lucky one. I remember the morning clearly when everything suddenly hit me. The morning was dark and cold. The dog had tracked his muddy paws across the carpet for the fifth … more

  • Military Spouse Appreciation Day 2016

    “Military spouses make the mission possible.” Sue Hoppin, Founder, National Military Spouse Network National Military Spouse Appreciation Day was first proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1984, and is observed the Friday prior to Mother’s Day. This year military sp… more

  • My Advice for New Military Spouses

    Military Spouse Appreciation Day is Friday, May 10. The military lifestyle doesn’t come easily to most people. Many, many years ago, we were at our first operational base in Wichita, Kansas, when my husband left for his first deployment. As a new wife and a new mom, I found … more

  • Military Spouse Employment Summit Tips for Job Seekers

    The Military Spouse Employment Summit, the brainchild of Sue Hoppin founder of the National Military Spouse Network, provided a series of speakers sharing career and job search advice with a military spouse focus. Some of the tips for job seekers: John Berry, Director Office of … more