Tag Archives: Military Transition / Veterans
Interview With a Recruiter, Melanie Chin
From time to time we bring you Q/A sessions with recruiters, who provide insights on their company, its hiring practices and job search tips. Melanie Chin, MorganFranklin Tell us about yourself. I am a Senior Recruiter with MorganFranklin Corporation. We are a professional ser… more
Show Me the Money, Salary and Benefits
When you are looking for a new job, a critical issue is pay and benefits. Yet too many of us don't even think about these issues in advance. You need to or you may make simple mistakes with large dollar, long-term career consequences. So first, what constitutes ‘compensation’… more
Military Transition What Civilian Work Interests You
"I'm an aviator but I don't want to fly on the commercial side." If that's the case, you need to determine the non-piloting skills you have that will translate to non-piloting civilian jobs. ClearedJobs.Net's HR Specialist -- and veteran -- Patra Frame provides tips to help tr… more
Planning Your Military Transition
In this video ClearedJobs.Net's HR Specialist Patra Frame talks about the importance of military personnel using the transition services that are available to them when planning their transition to the civilian work world. Many others have traveled this road before so learn fr… more
Military Transition: You’re in Good Hands
May is National Military Appreciation Month. Each week this month we bring you articles that honor our nation's vets. Our third post is by Rob Welsh, Major U.S. Army (retired), currently Executive Consultant/Program Manager, Invertix. Brother/Sister in Arms, First and forem… more