Tag Archives: military transition

  • Mistakes to Avoid in Your Military Transition

    It’s important to start planning for your entry into the civilian workforce before your military exit arrives. Take control of your career strategy now by researching, preparing your marketing materials, and networking to ease the road to transition ahead. 1. Writing a … more

  • Make Sure Your Resume Is Not a Bore

    I read a lot of resumes and the majority are boring. Just think how recruiters, who read far more every day, must feel. Why should you care? Boring resumes usually do a bad job of making the case for why you should be considered. Unless you're highly regarded in your field or a … more

  • Think to the Future Now With a Career Bucket List

    So many people have bucket lists for some distant future. Often these are tied to retirement. While I dislike the bucket list term - the concept applies to one’s work. Why wait till you are in your 70s or 80s to start checking off things you want to do? Start now with your … more

  • What You Need to Do at Every Stage of Your Career

    Whether you're starting a first job or thinking of an encore, careers keep changing shape. Some of this is based on technological change plus the implementation of existing technologies. Add in the spread of artificial intelligence, the impact of robotics, the development of too… more

  • 3 Reasons I Chose SAIC When I Transitioned out of the Military

    When an individual exits the military, there are many paths to travel. Here’s the perspective of S.M., an Intel Analyst in the Intelligence Community working for SAIC at Annapolis Junction, Maryland. I chose a non-traditional path to the military. I joined the Army fro… more