Tag Archives: military transition

  • Interview Preparation: Why Do You Want to Work Here?

    Many hiring managers ask some variant on the question of why you want to work for the company, the specific contract, or in a particular part of the organization. Resist your temptation to sound excited by stating some generalities quickly. “I’ve heard great things about the… more

  • Professional Development Eases Your Military Transition

    Your transition to the civilian world is an exciting and challenging process. You should realize, though, you'll bring with you a big plus on this journey -- the leadership and team skills you have developed during your military career. This advantage is a skill set that will ser… more

  • Military Transition: Excitement….But?

    Okay, let’s be honest. There are many things that excite you as you plan to leave the military and there are also thoughts that create fear. As you work your way through the transition process it’s important to surround yourself with valuable resources and former colleagues w… more

  • Tapping Into the Top Veteran Talent Pool

    Experienced recruiters realize that veterans bring terrific qualities to the civilian workforce – they are team players and team leaders, they bring a strong work ethic and exceptional focus, most are educated, disciplined and self-motivated. The almost 250,000 vets who tran… more

  • Plan Your Military Exit

    Exiting a military career and heading for a commercial one can be confusing and challenging, but there are steps you can take ahead of time to plan your exit and make sure you are headed in the direction you want to go. Below I’ll detail some simple actions to help you step out… more