Tag Archives: Networking

  • Will I Score a Job at a Cleared Job Fair

    It depends. From the truly non-scientific canvassing we’ve done of the employers who attend our events, 6-7% of the attendees at an all clearance Cleared Job Fair will receive a job offer. That’s about a 1-in-15 chance of getting an offer. Those are pretty good odds. It’s… more

  • 5 Ways to Stand Out in Your Cleared Job Search

    Be a more thoughtful job seeker. It increases your odds of getting the job you want. Recruiters are usually your first line of contact for most positions, and they often have a crushing workload. We’ve all heard stories – and there are actually studies confirming this – … more

  • Avoid These 5 Job Search Techniques

    Are you using bad or outdated strategies in your job search? If you’ve not had to look for a job in the past several years you could be using techniques that no longer make sense even though they may have worked to a certain extent in the past. The job search landscape has c… more

  • Begin to Plan and Organize Your Career

    Do you only think about your career when you start a job search? If so, you are not alone. Funny how we rarely think of our careers as the biggest financial asset we have - far more even than our homes. But it is. How Do You Think About Your Future Start a Planning Process … more

  • How to Follow-Up for Results

    Most job seekers know, or discover shortly into their job search, that you need to follow-up. For instance, if you email a resume to a target employer, you follow-up. Or, if you meet with a network contact, you follow-up. Follow-up is an integral and essential part of job sear… more