Tag Archives: Networking

  • Build Your Network Before You Need It

    When someone mentions networking, it conjures images of stilted conversations at professional cocktail parties. Forced smiles. Swapping business cards. There is absolutely nothing wrong with attending networking events. You should, in fact, because they can be really helpful i… more

  • 10 Most Popular Articles of 2015

    What were job seekers reading on our blog in 2015? Our 10 most-read articles from 2015 cover a wide variety of topics from intel to certifications to security clearances. Here’s another look at our top 10 if you missed them the first time: Strike a Power Pose, Improve Your … more

  • 5 Reasons to Engage Your Network and Your Target Employers

    It's critical to keep your name in front of your network during your cleared job search. As HR Executive Patra Frame often says, “It’s not who you know, but who knows you…and who remembers you.” There are a variety of ways to keep your name top of mind with your networ… more

  • 5 Steps to Take Advantage of Fall Hiring Opportunities

    Beginning a cleared job search? Reviving an abandoned search you started earlier this year? Revving up a lagging, low-energy job search? If you find yourself in any of the above situations, the time is right for you to be pro-active when it comes to your career. Fall … more

  • Kung Fu for Job Search or the Principles of Networking

    Job seekers are always on the lookout for the sure fire thing that will help them land their next opportunity. The problem is, despite a plethora of articles on the internet and advice from friends and colleagues, no such thing exists. And yet, many transition programs, career se… more