Tag Archives: ODNI
Security Clearances, 2016 in Review
2016 generated numerous headlines for issues relating to news on policy changes concerning security clearance procedures impacting security clearance holders. Let’s recap 2016’s impact on security clearances and what you can expect in 2017. Social Media Accounts are Open t… more
Social Media Review for Security Clearance Holders
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) announced Friday that agencies may now include a social media review as part of the background investigation process for all security clearance holders. What exactly this process will entail, which agencies will implem… more
Big Declines in Security Clearance Determinations
ODNI recently released its 2014 Report on Security Clearance Determinations, which details individuals holding a clearance as of October 1, and the number of individuals approved or denied a clearance during the fiscal year. For a second year the numbers reveal an across the boar… more
4,917,751 Individuals Hold a Security Clearance
There are interesting numbers to be found in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) 2012 Report on Security Clearance Determinations. As of October 1, 2012 4,917,751 individuals held a security clearance. It's a snapshot in time, so the number is always cha… more
Is Social Anthropology the New Intel Career Path
The current unrest in the Middle East is an example of the changing landscape for the Intel community and the evolution of skill sets and analytical needs for the future. At yesterday’s discussion on Evolving Priorities and Threats for the U.S. Intelligence Community, Drs. S… more