Tag Archives: Patra Frame
What Myths Does Your Company Believe in Recruiting and Talent Management
My first training in how to interview and select people to hire was a five day course by a well-known organization. My company was known for its management development so it was a shock the first day to learn that what I really needed to do to hire effectively: learn all I could … more
The 10 Most Read Articles of 2018
Another year is approaching its conclusion and it’s already time to gear up for the next one, but before we say farewell to 2018 we’re taking a moment to reflect and reminisce on your most read articles from the year. If you missed them the first time around, we’ve got you … more
Moving On After a Job Loss
Losing a job is always tough. Whether you loved it or hated it, whether your employment ended suddenly or with planning and support, it hurts. So how do you move forward effectively? Take some time to grieve. Give yourself a short break to get past the worst effects. Most o… more
Resume Basics So Often Missed
Resumes are tough for most people. We have difficulty figuring out what information to put on, what to leave off, and which advice to listen to. I do resume reviews regularly - for ClearedJobs.Net and others - and in my consulting work read tons of resumes and help hiring manager… more
Social Media and OPSEC
You get a friend request on Facebook or a connection request on LinkedIn, maybe you recognize the name or perhaps not. But you accept - after all you are trying to build your network. For the next job search, for your transition from the military or federal service to the private… more