Tag Archives: salary negotiation
Money Talk: Let’s Discuss Salary
Talking about money is one of those things that always seems to make people uncomfortable. Whenever someone brings up the topic of money there always seems to be weird silences and stumbling sentences. Meanwhile I’m over here excited about finding a Marilyn Monroe look alike… more
Cleared Job Seeker Guide Released
Starting your job search and need direction? Already in your job search and need direction? Download our Cleared Job Seeker Guide. It's a step-by-step guide designed to assist security cleared job seekers in their next career move, providing practical tips and guidance for eve… more
Preparing Your Job Search Salary Strategy
Patra's money quote: "Money. Salary. Compensation. All a critical aspect of your job search and yet to many Americans, more difficult to talk about than sex." What do you need to do to determine your strategy? - Learn what you are worth in terms of the job you want. - Be c… more
Gimme the $$$ Part 2 – Salary Negotiations
Everyone hopes for the perfect offer - the great job in a wonderful company with super pay and benefits. But often we don’t get there without some negotiating. And since it is something most of us do rarely we are not sure how to go about getting something in an offer changed. … more
Gimme the $$$ Part 1 – Salary Basics
While you have seen the advice to put off salary discussions as long as possible in discussing a potential job you need to learn about salary ranges and what is realistic early in your job search. Your knowledge, experience, and the value you demonstrate you offer are… more