Tag Archives: veterans

  • Wounded Warrior Mentor Program

    May is National Military Appreciation Month. Each week this month we bring you articles that honor our nation’s vets. Our second post is by Chrissa Dockendorf a Mentor/Intake Interviewer/Soldier Recruiter with the Wounded Warrior Mentor Program. Seeking a way to support Woun… more

  • Not gone, but forgotten: The truth about disabled vets returning to work

    We bring you this post courtesy of Josh Letourneau and our friends at Fistful of Talent. It's targeted to recruiters and hiring managers, but the information and message is appropriate for all.  Today's post is going to take on a more serious, impactful tone - my hope is th… more

  • Deloitte Offers Career Guidance to Veterans Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan

    Deloitte has recently announced that, in collaboration with American Corporate Partners, a team of its people will volunteer to mentor veterans who have recently completed their service to our country and are returning to the private sector.  American Corporate Partners is a nat… more