All posts by Kathleen Smith

  • Should I Get a Master’s in Cyber Intelligence

    One of the great things about participating in a LinkedIn group is that you can ask a question. Depending on the group you may get some really good feedback. In one particular group focused on Cyber Intelligence, we noticed this question by a transitioning military professional. … more

  • Unwanted Facebook Requests

    As more people join social media, the more you may find that you're getting connection requests from people you don’t know. Or don't want to know. Some of these requests might seem outright strange. All social media communities want to keep the environment safe and comfortable… more

  • Workforce Challenges in the Intelligence Community

    A new generation of intelligence community professionals is just now making its way in to the workforce. They have different values, ideals and expectations than the long-serving intelligence community professionals who are nearing retirement. Beyond the need to revamp the sec… more

  • Summer Spy Reading

    As we head into the heart of summer, we're recommending two books that although they are not new, they are timely in the wake of the Snowden affair and the focus on the intelligence community. The moderator of the recent AFCEA EPIC panel, Shane Harris, is well known within the… more

  • Media and the Intelligence Community, AFCEA EPIC Series

    Though the panel and topic were picked months ago, the AFCEA Emerging Professionals in the Intelligence Community (EPIC) session on the “Media and the Intelligence Community” was timely. The event was hosted at Altamira Technologies and sponsored by Microsoft, featuring a … more