Category Archives: Career Development
What Hooked You on Cybersecurity
As part of our support for the Women in Cybersecurity Conference, we interviewed key women security leaders on their careers and experience in the industry, including several Facebook cyber professionals. What Initially Interested You in Cybersecurity “I studied Informati… more
Women in Cybersecurity Conference 2016
It is important to volunteer and support communities. There are many kinds of communities within cybersecurity; several which are specifically to support young women exploring careers in cybersecurity. One such conference that I support is the Women in Cybersecurity Conference (W… more
Career or Job: Making the Most of Your Future
Much of the time we seek career options and growth. Sometimes, perhaps due to care for aging parents or an ill spouse, you just need a place-holder job that pays the bills but allows you to leave it at the door. Either way, you can improve your future with these basics. Tip 1.… more
Navigating the Ups-and-Downs of Job Loss and Job Search
Recently I was reminded about the emotional side of job loss. I was talking with a now happily employed person – we’ll call her Joan – who recalled what it felt like to lose her job many years ago. Although time had passed, emotions surfaced that were still raw when she re… more
How to Explain Your Employment Gap
Contracts end. Life gets in the way. Most of us at some point in our careers will deal with a gap in employment. Recruiters and hiring managers will be understanding to a degree. After all, they have most likely had to deal with similar issues in their careers. So while it's n… more