Category Archives: Job Search / Career Development

  • Gimme the $$$ Part 1 – Salary Basics

    While you have seen the advice to put off salary discussions as long as possible in discussing a potential job you need to learn about salary ranges and what is realistic early in your job search.  Your knowledge, experience, and the value you demonstrate you offer are… more

  • Now what? Career transitions made simple

    At many of the seminars I give I see people who are facing a career change and they are not at all sure how to manage it. Whether you are transitioning from the military or federal service, looking for new opportunities after years in one area, or just need a change, your new o… more

  • But I have a lot say! How long is too long for a resume?

    Many of us have been in our professional careers for quite some time and we find it difficult to keep a resume to two pages or less. Career and resume coaches tell us that this is a common discussion with job seekers -- encouraging them to be brief and to hit the highli… more

  • Extreme Job Search Makeover Winner Session 4 Recruiters and Wrap Up

    In his final session Mr. Allen spent time with two recruiters and was able to ask the questions that you never really get to ask a recruiter about the recruiting process, interviews and everything else. These sessions were powerful, eye-opening and completely off the record, but… more

  • Fall: Fast Forward

    Yesterday it was the start of summer and here we are already falling into Fall.  Whether you took the summer off from your job search or used it well, now is certainly a good time to get your job search into its new fall wardrobe.  Government contractors are looking forward to … more